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Writing Prompt from 31 Days of Self Love

Day 1: What is you biggest struggle about loving yourself?

My biggest struggle in loving myself is finding a balance in the way that I do it. This summer I was accepted into two writer residencies that I really wanted to attend. After figuring out the costs, I realized that it would make more sense to stay in town and teach summer school. Even though I was sad to miss out on the residencies, I liked having the income from teaching and overall it was a more beneficial decision. that allowed me a certain kind of autonomy that I needed this season. I realize that taking pause to weigh the cost of one form of self-care against another form of self-care was something new for me. Cultivating a stronger role at home doesn’t have to mean that I give up any aspect of myself, rather it means that I can become stronger for when I’m outside of my home. I think that taking pause, planning, and writing down my intentions will help me get close to balancing self-care and care for others.