Cenote City, Clash Books, March 2019. Cover art by Joel Amat Güell
Trailer by Jonathan Leggett.
My Favorite Sancho and Other Fairy Tales
Limited Edition Chapbook @ Sword and Kettle Press.
Covert Art by Matthew Revert
Praise for Cenote City
“… a colorful, strange, and enchanting alchemy...cinematic, tender, and a ravishing read.”
Rios de la Luz- author of The Pulse Between Dimensions and the Desert and Itzà
“…a dark charm you won’t forget.” V. Castro author of Queen of Cicadas and Goddess of Filth.
“reverence and wonder… a much needed balm…” Sarah Chavez-Director of The Order of the Good Death and Cohost of Death in the Afternoon Podcast
“ Cenote City is a stellar addition to the Latinx storytelling tradition of texts born out of exploring the intersections where folklore, politics, cultura, and literature meet. “ José Angel Araguz, author of An Empty Pot’s Darkness and Small Fires
“…it sometimes catches you off guard. Quintana is a voice to be both reckoned with as well as absorbed. “ Hillary Lefwich, author of Ghosts Are Just Strangers Who Know How to Knock.
“the magical with the mundane, a white, thrift store zoot suit, the pink of peeling wallpaper, creating an environment as lush and vibrant as the cenote itself.” Ren Martinez @ Quail Bell Magazine
“ In Cenote City, Monique Quintana has grounded readers in the importance of community and protecting the people you love most. With sharp and precise language, Quintana is able to transport readers straight into her world.” Mariah Bosch @ Tropics of Meta