media reas
Pixabay (Commons)
On Wednesday afternoon, I figured out how I want to structure the parts of my novella. It came to me when I added a few sentences to my opening section. I begin to think about a frame narrative and about a play or opera in acts and the Greek tragedies that happen media reas. I thought about how I’ve been trying to write things as close to the end as possible. I’m thinking about the cenote scene and the deluge at the other side of it. I keep returning to a frame narrative and that seems right. I think a question for me to ask is, why is this frame on the picture here? If the all the sections were one long codex, why is the frame there on the picture here? My intention for this week is to write something for the playhouse in the middle of the book, the grand guignol style horror plays. I’m also reminded of “the poison book” that you find smack in the middle of Dorian Grey. The decadence and the opium dens. I really like all the sentiment and the delirium that’s there. It’s good for the musing and helping me out right now.